Infrastructure Operations
We deliver a complete spectrum of operations, maintenance, construction and logistics for our clients at large-scale government facilities, military bases, ranges and laboratories.
Supply Chain Management and Logistics
From safeguarding the delivery of vital medical supplies to equipping military vehicles to maintaining commercial aircraft, we provide reliable and secure supply chain and logistics support. We manage the procurement, tracking and distribution of materials necessary to achieve our federal government’s missions on time using qualified vendors and protected software systems.

“Over the last decade I have been with ASRC Federal, I have had the opportunity to grow professionally and technically. Providing our customer with services in some of the most remote locations on the planet is an exercise in continual problem solving. When our customer is comfortable and confident in the seamless support we deliver, then we know we are providing the maximum benefit to their mission!”
Brenton Alexander
Program Manager, ISS2-GSL
Supporting Vital Pilot Training Mission at Vance Air Force Base
Maintaining vital base operations and creating a safe training environment for the professional airmen efforts at the largest Base Operating Support (BOS) contract in the U.S. Air Force Air Education and Training Command. Responsible for comprehensive operations and maintenance services including Civil Engineer, Communications, Information Technology, Installation Management, and Supply Management, Community Services as well as Transportation, and Fire and Emergency Services.
Minimized the impacts of COVID-19 by modifying and enhancing custodial services -providing deep cleanings and disinfection of high touch while also securing masks, hand sanitizer and disinfecting supplies to ensure the safety of base personnel.
Perform mission-critical fire and emergency services including aircraft ground and in-flight emergencies, structural responses, requests for medical assistance, wildland fire and vehicle accidents.
During an unprecedented snowstorm cleared more than 11,000,000 cubic feet of snow from base runways and streets ensuring the continuity of the flight training mission.
Optimizing Facility Operations for the Plum Island Animal Disease Center
Our team provides continuous support of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) mission in partnership with the Departments of Homeland Security and Agriculture to deliver a complete spectrum of mission-critical operations in a complex setting through potentially harsh conditions. We continue to optimize the facility operations by preserving the infrastructure and ensuring agency personnel have regular access to critical maintenance information necessary to guarantee they can perform their vital work.
Oversee the installation and operation of new structures and mission assets; maintain over 50 buildings and 850 acres at 2 sites.
Design, build and repair buildings, marine bulkheads, ferry vessels, roads, drainage systems, major fuel oil facilities, and pipelines, as well as 89,000 square yards of paved roadways and 175,000 square yards of unpaved roadways.
Implemented and maintain a process for updating and ensuring accuracy of regulatory compliance matrixes. Registered to ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 to assure reliable, efficient, safe and compliant facility operations.
Maintaining the Alaska Radar System for USAF
Providing food services, accommodations, fuel management, environmental management, security, and logistical services for Alaska Radar System sites.
Delivered success so that the Air Force was able to reinvest in the terrestrial radar platform.
O&M program produced long-term system availability exceeding 95 percent uptime rates.
Implemented an infrared imaging program to evaluate high voltage electrical connections and reduce the probability of electrical outages, strengthening the overall fire protection program.
Base Operations & Facility Support
We deliver a complete spectrum of mission-critical range operations and maintenance services for our clients from food services to construction. This includes managing and operating large-scale government facilities, domestic and international defense bases, embassies, testing facilities,
and laboratories.

“I have the greatest job in the world! I get to work with professional teams from the mid-Pacific Ocean and across the United States. They perform some of the most critical mission support roles from launching space vehicles to keeping our country safe through 24/7 surveillance radar availability. To be a part of all the important things our customers are responsible for, is job satisfaction like none other.”
Kevin Smiley
Vice President and General Manager, Facilities and Logistics
Additional Capabilities
Range & Launch Operations
When it comes to serving our clients, safety and reliability is our top priority. Our range and launch operations support specialized testing and launch facilities with services ranging from hazardous material collection to fire safety, to EMS services, to basic security.
Radar/Sensor O&M
Whatever the weather, you can count on our technicians and mechanics to be there. We help clients manage and operate their ground-based radar facilities and deliver services ranging from software upgrades to basic facility services like security and construction.
View Project Highlights
Supporting Vital Pilot Training Mission at Vance Air Force Base
Maintaining the Alaska Radar System
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