SkillBridge Industry Partner
ASRC Federal offers SkillBridge internships and on-the-job civilian work experience for service members during their last 180 days of service.
Successfully Transition To Your New Career!
ASRC Federal is proud to partner with the DoD SkillBridge program. The SkillBridge Program provides an invaluable opportunity for service members to take the first step towards building their civilian careers through on-the-job apprenticeships or internships, with leading industry partners, during the last 180 days of service. Our goal is to build upon a service member’s existing skills and experience to help them successfully transition into their civilian career.
ASRC Federal offers a variety of purpose driven SkillBridge internship opportunities in high-demand fields, including:
- Cyber Security
- Finance/Accounting
- Project Management
- Software Development and Engineering
- Human Resources
- Facilities & Logistics
- Base Operations, Maintenance, & Modernization
- And More!
SkillBridge Program Info
For Service members, SkillBridge provides an invaluable chance to work and train in high-demand civilian career areas before leaving service. Separating Service members can be granted up to 180 days of permissive duty to focus solely on training full-time with approved industry partners after the unit commander (first O-4/Field Grade commander in the chain of command) provides written authorization and approval.
As published in the Joint ethics regulations of the Department of Defense and as outlined in the U.S. Department of Labor guidance, Service members participating in a SkillBridge program are participating in a Capstone training experience at the end of the military career and are NOT eligible for wages or other benefits from industry partners since the program is supported by the Department of Defense which will continue to cover the salaries and benefits of the participating members.
You may be eligible to participate in the SkillBridge Program if you:
- Have 180 days of service or fewer remaining prior to your date of discharge and you have at least 180 continuous days of active service
- Obtain approval from your unit commander, and
- Agree that participation in SkillBridge can be terminated at any time by the Service if mission requirements dictate.
To view more information about the DOD SkillBridge program please visit the DOD SkillBridge website.
We recommend starting your SkillBridge search at least 6 months prior to your date of eligibility!

“As a program manager for a DoD contract, we are always looking for talented veterans to support our customer’s missions. The DoD SkillBridge Program provides a unique solution, allowing transitioning veterans an opportunity to test drive their new civilian career and gain high-quality skills during their internship. Overall, The SkillBridge Program is a great benefit to ASRC Federal and for connecting our veterans to their next career opportunity.”
Travis Sensintaffar
Senior Program Manager
Schriever SFB, Colorado Springs, CO
About ASRC Federal
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